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La fatigue est un problème courant qui peut affecter nos activités quotidiennes et notre bien-être général. Si plusieurs facteurs peuvent être à l'origine de la fatigue, il existe heureusement de nombreux moyens d...
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L'été est souvent synonyme de beau temps et de détente, mais il peut aussi s'accompagner de maux désagréables comme les coups de soleil, les brûlures et les diarrhées.. Ces maux d'été peuvent perturber vos vacan...
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Summer often brings wonderful weather and relaxation, but it can also come with some unpleasant ailments such as sunburn, sunburn and diarrhea. These summer ailments can be quite disruptive to your vacation or leisure ti...
Continue reading articleLiving longer independent at home with the right adapted tools.
✓ For every disability there is a specific tool to increase your independence. Our target group includes the elderly, as well as adults and children with specific care needs. We are happy to help them with our tools on this fine digital care platform.
✓ In addition to the wide range of home care aids, we also have a lot of rehabilitation, prevention and therapy equipment. Both individuals and professionals can come to us..
✓ We are proud to say that we have the widest range of aids in Belgium with more than 8000 references on our online home care store.