Creating Your Own Snooze Place:
Setting up your own snoozing spot for your child doesn't have to be complicated. Even if you don't have a completely separate space, you can transform part of a room into a relaxing and stimulating environment.
Discover how to use affordable materials and products to create a special space where your child can relax, experience sensory stimuli and self-regulate.
Suitability of Snoezelen for Different Children:
Snoozing is an activity suitable for children of all ages and different needs. Since everyone has unique sensory needs, it is essential to provide the snoozing space with a variety of activities and stimuli. Learn how, as a parent, you can identify which activities best meet your child's sensory needs and how to integrate these activities to regulate tension.
Snoezelen for Relaxation and Stimulation:
The snooze area can serve as a refuge for children who are overexcited or who have difficulty controlling their emotions. The variety of visual, tactile and movement stimuli allows these children to unwind and calm down in the snoozle space. On the other hand, there are children who are actually looking for more sensory stimuli, and for them the snoozle area provides the ideal environment for active exploration and stimulation.
Tips for Sensory Products and Activities:
Discover a range of practical ideas for setting up your snoozing spot:
Encourage movement through activities such as bouncing on a gym ball, rocking in a rocking chair or jumping on a mini-trampoline. -
Create atmosphere with light garlands, projector lights or lava lamps for a relaxing ambiance. -
Sensory Products:
Offer various tactile and sensory products to help soothe and relax your child. -
Tactile Excitation:
Use barefoot paths or homemade squash mattresses to promote tactile experiences. -
Use essential oils and scented clays for soothing scented stimuli. -
Deep Pressure:
Find out how to provide deep pressure using weighted hugs or a padded play tent. -
Texture and Visual Effects:
Create textured walls with household items for tactile and visual stimulation. -
Vibrating Excitation:
Use massage devices for vibrating sensations and additional sensory information. -
Play soothing music for calming effects and reduced anxiety. -
Soft Ground:
Provide a comfortable environment with soft rugs and pillows.
By applying these practical tips and ideas, you can create a personalized and effective snoozing spot for your child, where they can relax, stimulate and enjoy a range of sensory experiences.