Medimat - massage mat
Improve the quality of life, permanently.
Numerous medical studies now demonstrate the enormous potential of this therapy. Even after a relatively short period of use, the body gains in tone and mobility. Stubborn tensions are completely resolved and prevented from returning.
The flexibility of the spine is permanently improved, noticeable successes appear even after the first use, resulting in a healthy and relaxed state. Even after a short time, regular use significantly improves well-being and immediately relieves pain. Regular use of the Medimat Jade will actively prevent many everyday complaints .
The demonstrably improved activity of the circulatory system, especially the lymphatic system, keeps tissue taut and the functioning distribution of body fluids ensures the delivery of all essential nutrients to the muscles, bones and skin. Treat your body to the recovery phases that are so important – in perfect shape. Enjoy the pleasant feeling of doing something good for your body and mind.
massage effect
We are all familiar with the soothing relaxation of tense muscles through massage. There are obvious explanations for these processes within the muscles, blood vessels and nerve fibers.
There are two circular systems in the body. The circulatory system , starting from the heart, supplies the brain , organs and muscular system with nutrients , while the lymphatic system ensures that metabolic products, waste products and toxins can be flushed out of the body.
When the immune system is attacked by infections and viruses, the first thing the doctor does is to palpate the lymph nodes, because they produce immune cells and respond to this load by swelling.
Each massage stimulates this system, moves the body fluids and thereby promotes the removal of harmful substances and the supply of oxygen and nutrients.
Combination of tradition and modernity
With rolling and kneadingmovements , the professional masseurreleasestension , stiffness and deep - rootedcramps in the back muscles . Here the shape of these movements is perfectly imitated by smooth massage heads that rotate or roll .
The low-frequency vibrations of the powerful vibration motors reach even deeper. The motors are controlled by varyingfrequencies and therefore generate exceptionally long wave vibrations. These stimulate the blood circulation and the lymphatic system .
Stubborn tensions are resolved and prevent them from re-forming. A lasting improvement is created in the flexibility of the spine, noticeable successes appear even after the first use and results in a healthy and relaxed state.
In the Medimat Jade, the massage heads that are normally made of plastic have been replaced by heads made of real jade. The natural powers of jade are enhanced by an integrated heating system . The massage will be intensified by sending healingheat deep into the muscles. The heat slowly penetrates the stone and is noticeable after a few minutes. During this heating phase , the tissue is already relaxed by the rotating movement of the massage heads and surface hardening and tension are released.
- Dimensions 190 x 60 x 10 cm
- Weight 12.5 kg
- Voltage
- Input AC 100-240V ~ 50Hz
- Output DC 24V, 300mA
- Automatic run time 15 minutes