Mobile wall bracket with suction cups
The mobile handrail is a portable handrail that can be attached to a wall and is used to support people when getting up or moving , especially in situations where the person is unable to stand or move on their own. Unlike a fixed grab bar, a mobile grab bar is designed to be easily moved and repositioned for people who need extra support when moving from one place to another. The mobile wall bracket is equipped with two powerful suction cups that you press on a smooth, non-porous and solid surface, so that you do not have to drill holes in the wall.
Technical information:
Mobile wall bracket: 40 cm or 49 cm
Load capacity: 60 kg
The mobile wall bracket has the following positive features:
- Increased mobility: With a mobile handrail, people with reduced mobility can move more easily and support themselves when standing up, sitting or walking.
- Safety : The extra support that a mobile wall bracket offers reduces the risk of falls and other injuries when moving.
- Flexibility : Mobile wall brackets are designed to be easily moved and positioned so they can be used where and when needed.
- Comfort : The mobile wall bracket is equipped with a soft handle that feels comfortable
- Independence : The use of a mobile grab rail often allows people with reduced mobility to function more independently and independently, improving their quality of life.
- Convenience : Mobile wall mounts are generally lightweight and easy to store and transport, making them ideal for use around the home or when travelling.
De ondergrond moet zéér, zéér glad zijn want anders hechten de zuignappen zich niet vast.
Posted on 21/01/2025